Affordable monthly payment plans through LendingUSA, a leading funeral funding group endorsed by the National Funeral Directors Association. Simple application can be made on-line
Here you will find different links to local businesses that provide helpful products and services
When a death occurs, the order in which things need to be done often depends on where the death occurred. That's why we suggest that you ask a friend for help or someone who is more able to think clearly, and give you the support you need
Accepted customs of dress and behavior in a funeral have changed over time, but courtesy never goes out of style. Here's what we'd like you to know about funeral etiquette.
You'll find the answers to some of the most common questions relating to the value of a funeral, or memorial service, the practices of funeral service and funeral home operation
Up to $9,000 in aid may be available for those who suffered the loss of a loved one from COVID-19.
The GriefPlan Video Program was developed by Dr. Jason Troyer. This program includes more than 65 brief videos and 50 activity sheets that answer the most common questions about grief as well as provides a step-by-step guide to heal, remember, and rebuild after loss. We are proud to offer Dr. Troyer's GriefPlan program to our entire community free of charge.
For immediate need, call: (401) 353-2400